Symptoms in Breast Diseases

What are the Symptoms of Breast Diseases?

Breast Mass

Meme kanseri kadınlarda görülen en sık kanserdir. 40 yaş üstü kadında saptanan kitle, aksi ispat edilene dek kanser olarak kabul edilmelidir. Meme kanseri, %70-80 hastada ağrsız kitle ile bulgu verir..

Malignant (malignant) masses of the breast tend to be painless, hard, irregularly circumscribed, adherent to the skin and connective layers.

Satellite Nodules and Skin Metastases

It is called the skin lesions around the main tumour in the breast, leaving the main tumour in the centre. It is a sign of advanced breast cancer.

Retraction (Nipple Retraction)

Especially the masses behind the nipple may be signalled by skin and nipple retraction. It can also be seen in ductal ectasia (enlargement of milk ducts) and fat necrosis.

Erythema (redness) and skin oedema

Erythema in breast cancer may be diffuse in the skin just above the tumour or in a large area of the breast skin. The breast skin is tense and shiny.
Edema of the breast skin develops due to blocked lymph drainage.
In inflammatory type of breast cancer, erythema, oedema, tenderness and enlargement of the breast often occur without a mass. The appearance is called orange peel (Peu d'orange).

Breast Oedema and Gigantomastia

During pregnancy, the breast is enlarged and lymph drainage is impaired, causing diffuse oedema in the breast.

Breast skin mass and ulceration

Breast malignant tumours can cause skin wounds following skin malnutrition

Nipple Discharge

Meme başı akıntısı(MBA) kitle ve ağrıdan sonra en sık 3.yakınmadır. İyi huylu meme hastalıklarının %10-50 sinde mevcuttur. Normal koşullarda süt bezleri ,sıvı salgılar.Bu salgı çapı giderek artan süt kanallarına boşalır. Kanal ağzı keratin tıkaçla kapalıdır. Kanal içi basıncı arttıran ya da keratin tıkacın tutunma gücünü azaltan nedenler meme başı akıntısına sebep olur.
MBA can be divided into two as benign and pathological. Benign MBA are discharges caused by stimulation or squeezing of the nipple, usually bilateral. It can be white, yellow, green in colour.
Pathological MBA is unilateral, spontaneous, may be clear or bloody, and is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
It should be kept in mind that breast cancer may present as discharge without a mass. Bloody MBA with a mass should be a warning sign for cancer.


It is the milk coming from the nipple. There are normal (physiological) and abnormal (pathological) conditions. Prolactinoma, primary hypothyroidism, cirrhosis, some drugs can cause galactorrhoea. It can be seen after undefined pregnancy, trauma, surgical intervention and excessive exercise (physiological).


Çok sık karşılaşılan bir yakınmadır.50 yaş altı kadınların %70’inde mevcuttur.
Mastalgia is divided into groups according to the intensity of pain and its relationship with the menstrual cycle.

There are 3 groups in the classification of mastalgia:
1. Cyclic mastalgia is common in the 30s. It may be more severe on one side. It starts 5 days before the menstrual cycle and is localised in the upper outer quadrant. It regresses with menopause in 1/5 of the patients.
2. Non-cyclical mastalgia is more common in the 40s. It is unilateral and regresses spontaneously in half of the patients.
3. Non-breast causes are difficult to diagnose and treat.

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